
How To Remove Broken Shower Arm Thread

I enjoy writing tutorials on how to fix things around the business firm.

The infamous shower head

The infamous shower head

Help, My Shower Head Broke!

Later on years and years, and sometimes even decades, all that water passing through your shower caput arm slowly wears it down, erodes information technology, and eventually causes it to become rather brittle.

Information technology is therefore inevitable that i day you volition go to adapt its bending and snap! That head is going to intermission off, most likely inside the wall, and water is going to first spewing inside your wall.

You'll panic, get flustered, start fussing around with it, and then think, I tin't believe I accept to call a plumber. Simply earlier yous constrict your tail betwixt your legs and call the ass-croaky mechanic of the water world, yous decide to run into if y'all can do it yourself.

It turns out that the solution is extremely like shooting fish in a barrel, and I'm going to tell you exactly how to do it.

  • No. 10 apartment file (tapered); this typically means x inch
  • Flashlight
  • Hammer
  • Pliers
  • Replacement shower head pipe/arm
  • Teflon tape
  • Centre protection

Difficulty Level: Piece of cake
Time Required: 30 minutes

This is what a flat file looks like. Go to a hardware store and buy one. Make sure it is a number ten (No. 10), and make sure it is tapered!

This is what a flat file looks like. Go to a hardware store and buy one. Make sure information technology is a number ten (No. 10), and make sure information technology is tapered!

Teflon Tape is used to create a water-tight seal between threaded fitting in plumbing related matters.

Teflon Tape is used to create a water-tight seal betwixt threaded fitting in plumbing related matters.

Shower Head Threads: Where to Starting time

Let me preface the rest of this article by saying I am not a plumber and I hate plumbing-related issues. In all senses of the term, I'm your average homeowner that likes to attempt to DIY beginning, then call assistance if that fails, then rent a professional person.

The weakest function of the shower head pipe happens to be the threads (threaded nipple) that screw into the copper plumbing fixtures within of your wall. So when it snaps off or breaks, it will well-nigh ever leave the threads inside your copper fitting. This is the problem we demand to solve.

Luckily for all of us, the chance that you broke the copper fitting is adequately slim.

In that location will be a small hole in the wall, tile, plastic frame, or whatsoever, right behind the metal ring on your shower caput pipe (which is designed to hibernate the hole). If you can pull the whole pipe complimentary, exercise so at present.

Get a flashlight and peer in in that location (Oh yep, if you haven't turned the water off to your shower, yous actually should). You'll come across the copper plumbing fixtures, and you lot may or may not be able to determine much else.

It volition likely be corroded, pretty nasty looking, and the edges betwixt the plumbing fixtures'southward threads and the threads of the cleaved piece will likely be coated and sealed with white Teflon record.

Whorl to Continue

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Hither is where the solution gets very like shooting fish in a barrel.

Stride-By-Step Fix-It Guide

Follow these simple instructions, and y'all'll exist good to go:

  1. Brand sure you lot have all the supplies listed above. They can exist institute at any hardware shop. Make sure the flat file is a No. ten. (This number typically means the file is ten inches long). The Teflon tape will be in the plumbing department. Both items are very inexpensive.
  2. Make sure the quondam shower head piping and arm accept been removed and that you lot tin can see into the hole in the wall.
  3. Put the flat file straight into the hole. Put on your protective eyewear (better safe than sad). Then, with the hammer, tap it into the plumbing fixtures. Don't exist afraid to hitting information technology pretty hard. The thought hither is for the tiny metal grooves on the edge of the flat file to "seize with teeth" into the broken section of the threaded nipple. When washed hammering, you tin can remove the eyewear.
  4. Accept the pliers, about a hand's width abroad from the wall, grab onto the flat file and turn slowly, applying even force per unit area. You will feel information technology outset to turn. Once you've turned information technology a little fleck, grab the flashlight and picket carefully while you lot rotate it with one hand.
  5. You should exist able to encounter the broken slice rotating (this means it's working). If the file is simply grinding along inside the plumbing equipment, tap it in harder with the hammer and endeavor over again. Note: If you want to protect the file, wrap the expanse you lot're going to grab with the pliers with a small towel or store rag.
  6. Rotate the flat file with pliers until the old piece comes free.
  7. Wrap the Teflon tape around the replacement shower caput pipe/arm'due south threaded nipple you intend to put into the copper piping fitting. Information technology should probably go well-nigh iv to 5 turns of the tape to cover the whole nipple about 2 strips deep.
  8. Carefully line up the replacement pipe with copper fitting. Spiral it in. Turn until fully mitt-tightened.
  9. Put the metal ring back on. Reattach the shower head to the other end of the piping.
  10. Now y'all must check for leaks.
  11. Make certain you practise not skip this step. With your face upwards against your shower wall, with a flashlight, plow the shower on and brand sure your repair job is not leaking. Be patient. Stay there for a few minutes. Note: You'll need to temporarily slide the metal ring frontwards so you tin run across your connexion into the copper fitting. That is what y'all're checking for leaks.
  12. If information technology is leaking remove the fitting, remove the Teflon, and offset over again at Step vi. If it fails again, and you are still getting a leak (fifty-fifty a minor leak) and so y'all may have damaged the threads in your copper fitting . . . call a plumber.
  13. If it is non leaking, let it run for about ten minutes and come back and brand certain it is still not leaking.
  14. Done!

What Virtually Bolt Extractors, Inner Pipage-Wrenches, etc.?

In short? They suck and many times do not work. How do I know? I bought them, and tried them, and they did non work at all! Non even slightly. It was at this point I started to get discouraged.

My buddy and I tried all sorts of ideas. We had these failed tools, cold chisels, screwdrivers, hack saw blades . . . nosotros tried everything.

Finally, I sent my buddy dwelling house to go relish his life, and I called a friend (who happens to be a seasoned principal plumber). He gave me the instructions I've shared with you in this article and saved me tons of money and a big headache!

I idea to myself, "This tip is super valuable, and I'm certain people run across this all the time, I should spread the give-and-take."

And here nosotros are! I hope this commodity helped you solve your problem.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author'due south knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Questions & Answers

Question: When my house was built, the plumber used industrial forcefulness sealant glue on the shower arm threading and the copper pipage threading. It'south since broken off. I've tried removing the glue with matched strength remover, with no luck. Do y'all accept whatsoever advice?

Answer: I'1000 non a plumber. The approach you've described sounds unusual, so maybe it was a DIY set at some indicate. If the solution outlined in this article didn't work, unfortunately, I suggest you call a licensed plumber for assist.

Question: What should I do if the previous homeowner installed cheap plastic piping and it gets stuck and tapping it tears at the plastic?

Answer: Since the solution I've outlined won't work, I suggest calling a licensed plumber for assistance.

© 2009 Time Spiral

Lanine on Baronial sixteen, 2022:

Thanks!!! Worked perfectly

Thunderbroom on July 27, 2022:

This totally works! I tried husky brand internal pipage wrench and no luck, and then I tried the 10" file and after tapping it in firmly I got the damaged nipple threads removed, thank y'all.

Jhn on February 07, 2022:

My friend who is a plumber came over and tried everything in his pocketbook of tricks and no go. I told him this method you lot explained and although skepical he agreed to endeavour information technology. Tapped the file on two occasions and the second time it turned out as like shooting fish in a barrel as pie. Saved me a $500 wall rip out and he said he couldn't look to tell his master plumberboss this new method Thanks!

the H on October 13, 2022:

Thanks! Well written and got the job in less than v minutes. A side do good was I didn't have to buy another single-utilise tool.

Karl on August 30, 2022:

This worked just like everyone said, awesome remedy! I was prepare to rip the wall out i was so mad for breaking information technology i morning, instead found this and was done in x minutes! Cheers SO MUCH

Jeff T on June 23, 2022:

Brilliant idea. Worked similar a charm.

Kevin G on May 08, 2022:

Can somebody please share what flat file yous got? A link from the hardware store would be peachy! Much appreciated!

Ron R on May 04, 2022:

Cheers and so much. I am the biggest wuss when it comes to plumbing problems. This prepare worked correct away. I used the eight inch apartment file but otherwise it was perfect. Cheers over again!

Rich B on February 28, 2022:

Thank you so much for this post. You saved me over $400!!! that the local plumbing company would have charged me (and they would have cutting the drywall too leaving some other repair to fix).

Ben Tebbens on November 23, 2022:

Man, similar the final guy said, hmm, I didn't inappreciably believe it but I had tried lol everything else, and then, thank God I had everything I needed, wow, amazing Thank you so, and so much!! I'chiliad gonna inquire my plummer at work what he would do, wonder if he know'southward that trick, bet he does though, soooo cool, cheers so much, Ben

JohnRiv on November xviii, 2022:

Got to admit, I was a little skeptical but this worked like a charm. Got my tapered 10" file tapped it in and began turning. Not enough seize with teeth. Tapped a couple of more times and began turning and I could experience the difference. The broken pipe was coming out. Took about 3 - 5 minutes and I was done. Great DIY solution to this problem. Shower is back in concern. Cheers for sharing.

ernie downey on November 12, 2022:

worked like a charm, had my doubts just after taping the file in two or three unlike times, got it to bite in and backed it correct out

Raymond Landis on October 10, 2022:

Slap-up solution - worked great. Thanks for your post.

LGL on September 24, 2022:

I was going to use a easy out, constitute out it was as well long. Then I read your solution, it worked better than anything else I could think of. I will pass this info along to others that take this problem. If I could rate this from 1- ten I would give it a 12. Cheers A LOT

Dana on September 17, 2022:

Sweet, Thanks for posting this. Feel like I should frontward information technology to anybody i know for future reference.

Bob G. on August 28, 2022:

It worked. Cheers very much. For people trying it, be patient. Mine can out in two pieces.

Christy Westbrook on Baronial 24, 2022:

Thank you for this advice! Worked perfectly!

Andy B on August 21, 2022:

This tip worked very well.In less than 5 minutes I had broke piece out.And believe me I am non very handy in the plumbing field.Thanks for the tip.

J Lee on August 20, 2022:

I tried two different tools specifically designed to extract the pipe threads broken off inside the plumbing fixtures in the wall for my shower head. Neither 1 worked. They would not even grab well. I tried the #10 flat file and information technology did non seem like it was going to piece of work either. I kept trying, hammered the file in before each attempt. It simply took about five-10 minutes when the cleaved terminate of the piping finally broke loose and I backed it out!

R Tombs on July 28, 2022:

Awesome tip fixing shower pipe with file.

Thank you very much!!!

Ben Go Miami dokphins on July 02, 2022:

Right. On the mark. I tried two extractors earlier looking at this. They don't piece of work. File worked like a charm. Thanks

Matt on June 08, 2022:

Worked like a charm! Thanks!

Jack on May 29, 2022:

Few times if ever I google a trouble and hope for a close answer. This i was exactly spot on! Give thanks you lot and so much!

U R Smart on May xiv, 2022:

Great information, I tried a couple of other ideas and didn't recollect of a tapered chisel. Genius!

Rod on April 24, 2022:

Hey thanks tried everything from every hardware in town. The file worked perfect. Thanks

Patrick D. Essex on Apr 16, 2022:

Thank You for this wonderful suggestion it work perfect you are a smart man

Ace on April 15, 2022:

Human being I thought I was about to be out a bunch of coin just 20 bucks and a few minutes later I was dorsum in concern. Cheers for the post

Mike on April 15, 2022:

You are a Rock STAR!

Your great and easy to follow instructions have immune me to snatch victory from the jaws of my self-inflicted defeat.

God Bless and cheers a million!

Beak Gilliland on March 18, 2022:

Worked for me, first try! Easy-Peasy. Cheers for the tip!

JohnDwad on February 25, 2022:

Broke shower head arm behind hardy lath and dry wall. did the inner wrench, extractor, hacksaw ect. Nigh to start busting tile read about file prepare- 5 min done. Thanks for the mail.

Franko on February 13, 2022:

Showtime couple of tries I did not hammer the file in hard enough, simply on the third try I did and so twisted out the broken pipage threads. Thanks for the instructions as I was dreading calling the plumber!

Andrew on Feb xiii, 2022:

Go buy an orbit sprinkler nipple extractor. It'due south 5$ at Lowes and is actually designed to extract broken pvc pipe. No extra tools and is a lot more effective. Merely replaced my broken shower. Thank God I didn't buy all that extra stuff and waste xxx minutes when this took me ii min to complete.

Don on February 11, 2022:

This is a great tip, and works.

Carla on Jan 23, 2022:

Oh my gosh . . . this is the best tip e'er. Information technology'southward the kickoff repair method that made sense . . . and IT WORKED. Thank Y'all! Thank You!!

Ron on January 08, 2022:

Could not believe information technology worked! I tried and tried and the file kept slipping within the pipage. After about 5-10 minutes, I was about to give up and run out to buy an extraction tool. And then the broken piece broke costless. Hallelujah! Thanks for the tip. Saved me the expense of an extraction tool!

Tina on January 01, 2022:

I just tried this In less then10 minutes I was successfulIn removing the broken piece.

Frank Mullen on December 11, 2022:

After hurricane Irma on St Maarten, we had a broken shower pipage. Nosotros tried to get a plumber merely no luck (anybody busy ). I tried to fix it myself no luck, went to the hardware shop they wanted to sell me expensive devised to fix my problem. I Googled and establish you and I would like to cheers for your assist. IT WORKED. Give thanks y'all. Frank & Deita.

Neil on Dec 08, 2022:

I also tried the inner pipage extractors, commodities extractors...nothing would grip the cleaved piece of pipage plenty to remove information technology. Tapped the tapered flat file in, attached vise-grips, put a few drops of penetrating oil on the beginning thread and bingo...the cleaved pipe backed out hands. Life Saver.


jennifer c on November 28, 2022:

It worked!! thanks so much! I had to pause the file( inexpensive) to make it fit exactly in the hole. You lot are awesome!

Mark F on November fourteen, 2022:

Thank you lot and then much for writing and posting this article. The 10" flat file method that you described worked flawlessly for me. Mine was a similar story as others take previously described. I started to replace a showerhead in my kids bathroom and the shower arm was and so corroded information technology broke off in my hand, seconds into the job. I tried everything - extractors, internal pipe wrenches, the works. Went to the local hw shop, bought a 10" file, and had the stuck ring out inside a minute of getting dwelling house. Y'all are a lifesaver.

Chris on October 29, 2022:

Thank yous and so much for the article.

Jk on Oct 14, 2022:


Pete Carroll from Albany on October 03, 2022:

I tried an HDX Pipe Nipple Extractor from Habitation Depot, no luck; then a Brass Craft one/2" Internal Pipe Wrench, fifty-fifty less luck. I plant your site through Google, searched for a flat file and constitute one in the bottom of an onetime tool box. I stuck the beveled end in and institute it wasn't wide enough, wouldn't grip the broken nipple. Used my adjustable wrench to snap a couple inches off the file, still not wide enough, snapped a couple more inches off and it worked perfectly. Crawly tip, saved $100s non having to call a plumber!

FR on October 01, 2022:

Since I had no access panel, and the broken shower pipage came through the shower enclosure, plumbers wanted to tear open the wall on the opposite side to replace the fitting. They didn't even accept an extraction tool of any kind. I spent $ten and saved $300+ and a huge headache. Thanks! Assuming the plumbers were existence honest, one would recollect they would know this pull a fast one on already, as cleaved shower pipes are pretty common. Oh well - their loss.

DWWebb on September twenty, 2022:

Squeamish fix - great idea, but I found a x" file to be as well broad. I have an older home, and the plumbers originally used pipage dope that had hardened over the years. If y'all accept a vice, consider putting your protective eyewear on and clamping an 8" flat file into the vice with about ane 1/2 inches exposed above the jaws (that'south about the length that it takes to clear the back side of the angle fitting and permit the modified file to take a bite into the broken shower tubing). Accept a large hammer and hit the cease of the file - information technology'south brittle and should break off easily (almost $7 well-spent, fifty-fifty if you wind up throwing the file away). Follow instructions posted by original writer, but more narrow file width ways there's all the same enough there to bite into cleaved pipage with less likelihood of damaging the drop eared female bending fitting that the shower piping screws into. In my example, I bought a 1/2" 10 6" galvanized piping nipple and used it with a pipe wrench to become enough of the damaged fitting threads repaired to have the shower tube without leaking. Promise this helps you fix your problem - good luck in your efforts!

Another Happy Reader on September 19, 2022:

I stumbled onto this page from an Internet search of what to do about my broken shower caput pipe. Mine broke in a bizarre way: The threaded finish to the shower arm literally came unwound, and the arm and shower head were hanging by a metal "thread" -- which was actually literally the pipe thread! Subsequently cutting off what was hanging, I used your play tricks with the file to unscrew what was left of the shower arm in the elbow fitting! Voila! Worked like a amuse.


NotAPlumber on August 17, 2022:

This worked.

I tried the nipple extractor tools. Nope.

Got a file as recommended here, broken part was out in seconds.

Thank you.

Bob on August 05, 2022:

It worked!

The shower head/arm screwed into a contumely elbow. Not much depth. Couldn't pound the file in every bit much as I would accept liked, but I got the broken piece out.

Thank you very much.

Mike on July 29, 2022:

Worked like a dream! Harbor Freight 8" file.... Hammer a couple of taps. Twist of the crescent wrench... Alls practiced in the earth....

Cheers a million!

Adam on July 15, 2022:

I must reiterate "don't be agape to hit information technology difficult". Don't hold back, also don't miss! Excellent tip and I felt awesome about handling this without hiring a professional. Thanks!

Janet on July x, 2022:

This worked perfectly and saved me bundles of coin! Thanks for the information.

Peter on July 03, 2022:

I was ready to phone call the drywaller and the plumber (and the bank). Cheers!!!!

Merely tried this play a trick on and information technology worked bully! Thanks on July 02, 2022:

Just tried this fob and it worked great.i did sprayed some pb equalizer into hold terminal night an then tried this and information technology came right out this morning .thanks for the tip

J on July 01, 2022:


Randy Burgener on June 29, 2022:

I had this 'classic' problem and 'Googled'..."How to remove cleaved shower head pipe." This page came up at the top! Looking into the brass fitting; I could see that the broken slice was very 'nasty'! I had my doubts it would ever come up. I bought a no. 10 mill file, and followed your 'instructions'. The broken cease came out on the offset attempt! Our house was built in 1995 and we have been hither for 12 years; and so I'm certain the shower arm was 22 years quondam. THANK You for your post! All-time, Randy Burgener

Neb on June 24, 2022:

I followed your instructions and it worked. Thanks very much!

Krish on June 19, 2022:

This is brilliant! Thanks for the excellent solution. I was able to remove the broken shower head pipe in less than five mins following your method. I bought a fix of Croaking files for $10 from Home Depot and the number 10 that came with package was too broad. I used the Croaking Number 8 tapering file instead of 10.

Randy on June 17, 2022:

Yep, I started to panic and and then found this article. Worked like a charm. Thanks, much appreciated

Tracy on June 07, 2022:

Thanks so much it worked like a amuse saved me then much time. I couldn't believe information technology worked then well. Saved me alot of stress.

Crawly! on June 02, 2022:

This worked so damn well! I am and so thankful man, here I was mentally preparing to completely re-do the entire plumbing on the upper one-half of the shower and so I found your article! Thank you, thank you, thank you lot! :)

Tony on April 22, 2022:

Thanks for the tip, worked like a charm. Was actually corroded so had to hitting information technology with a fiddling estrus and some really hard hits with the BFH.

Craig on March eighteen, 2022:

Thank you VERY MUCH!!! It worked and saved me a lot of money.

Dirk van Rensburg on March 07, 2022:

Thanks very much for this tip. It saved me a lot of coin. In no time the job was done.

All-time mail ever!! on March 02, 2022:

My husband did the exact thing; adjust and SNAP!! I got the file and other supplies this morning and hither I sit down with a fixed shower (new pretty shower head too!!) and it's not fifty-fifty apex!! Thank you and then much for the tutorial!

Natalie on February 27, 2022:

Cheers so much!! This worked perfectly! So glad I didn't demand to call a plumber

Michael on February 25, 2022:

It worked exactly equally advertised ... outset fourth dimension for this klutz and it worked ... thank you lot very much.

Double D in Yorba Linda CA on February 06, 2022:

OMG Deja Vu, my experience is exactly similar Jon's. My child bankrupt it off, went to Depot and bought their stupid extractors. No, returned them and got a#ten file - Voila, information technology came correct out. Damn I beloved the Internet. And many thanks to Fourth dimension Screw! I'd buy him a case of beer if I knew who he is.

Bodega Bay Grinder on Jan 21, 2022:

Awesome, great communication. Worked like a charm, I was set to cut the copper piece off and have a get at that, give thanks the plumbing gods I read this. Thank you, thank you!!!!!

Dave on December 31, 2022:

It Worked! I did have to pause a piece off the end of the file and so it would non striking the back of the elbow. Thanks!!

Ed on Dec 26, 2022:

H2o followed studs in kitchen ceiling calling a plumber,how much volition they charge

Matt on Dec 22, 2022:

Information technology worked!!

Jon on Dec 16, 2022:

Sweet!!! After also having no success with the internal pipe wrenches, extractors, chisels (aforementioned list of failed tools equally the writer's), the tapered file worked.

Helpful tip: My file was too narrow at the tip to brand solid contact with the inside of the broken piping (the tip was hitting the back of the 90-deg plumbing equipment that the shower neck threads into). I scored the file with a reciprocating saw with the file held in a vice. With the score line correct at the border of the vice, I bankrupt the tip of the file off with a hammer, making the new tip of the file a better size for wedging into the broken pipe.

If this author was here I'd buy him a round with the money saved (or at least with the refund from Dwelling Depot for the tools that didn't work!)

mary on December 11, 2022:

THANKS so much! This worked bully! Capeesh the post!We are not DIYers just were able to fix this with your suggestions!

cmdviola on December 10, 2022:

I'd like photos or diagrams.. I think I am ready to endeavour information technology, but the bathroom shower is in some other town and i'd like to see some pictures of this fix and so i tin can look in my memory and "meet" if this seems like the correct solution.

Pecker on November 29, 2022:

SCORE! Worked like a champ. Thanks for the tip. My wife was picking out new tile already, whew.

Matt on Nov fifteen, 2022:

Add me to the W cavalcade for "Worked for me!" Cheers then much!

Let's exist honest, it'south this kind of stuff that the internet was made for.

Eric on November 12, 2022:

Had to scrummage for the perfectly sized file and when I did find information technology, it worked like a charm.

Chuck on November eleven, 2022:

Didn't work and got worse, broke the file and a broken file slice is in shower arm.

M kern on October 16, 2022:

Thank you saved me a ton of time locking for an extractor.

Gary on Baronial 30, 2022:

Elderly neighbor'south grandson ran into this problem while helping his Granddad by installing due south new shower caput.

Used the Cyberspace and found this fantastic solution. Ground down a file to go a good fit. A few minutes subsequently I presented him with the copper thread ring equally a 'advantage' for stepping up to help his 90 yr old grandpa.

Brian on Baronial 25, 2022:

Awesome article. You just saved me a ton of fourth dimension. I was ready to cut the wall open up to supplant the elbow. Thanks!!!

John R on Baronial 18, 2022:

Cheers for this commodity. It worked just as you and your reviewers said. Definitely worth the effort and minor expense before calling a plumber or other contractor. Thanks again.

Cletus on Baronial 09, 2022:

Later on purchasing two tools that didn't work...the one-time trusty file at the lesser of my toolbox worked! Thank you!!!

David on August 08, 2022:

Worked for me Thanks. Saved a plumber service call.

BJ Blackness on Baronial 01, 2022:

Concluded up doing something similar with a kitchen sink water spray that broke at the handle (leaving plastic threading in the hose). I scored the plastic with a box cutter (carefully!) and shoved a 1/2" wood-boring drill bit in at that place. The flutes wedged in there nicely and turned easily.

jeffepops on July 14, 2022:

This procedure appealed to me, only after having no success with the cam-based ez pull, I visited my local pro plumbing supply. They sold me a "stubby" opposite screw-type extractor for $fourteen. It did the play a joke on. Since I didn't have a #10 file with teeth on the sides, I didn;t get a change to test your method.

Just the chubby extractor seems to exist a proficient alternative, as well.

Janet on July ten, 2022:

Cheers SO much for writing this article. We were ready to call our very expensive plumber, but with less than $10 worth of parts plus 5 minutes, we were done. Thanks, thank you, thank you lot!!!!!

pj on June 27, 2022:

worked like a charm! thank you

Greg Hopper on June 23, 2022:

Perfect - fantastic tip! Less than 5 minutes to work upwards the nerve to tap it in difficult enough. Unscrewed right out. The elbow was nearly two inches behind the surface of the tile, and the file was the ideal tool for this job.

Jerry on May 27, 2022:

Worked cracking! Used an 8 inch file. Thought I was going to take to call a plumber. Thank you for sharing such an easy solution!

Greg on May 26, 2022:

Tried everything else too, hack saw, 2-kinds of pipe extractors, amidst other things, even though I had it buggered up pretty adept the File Worked simply fine.

Tm on May 01, 2022:

Thanks for the commodity. Awesome!!!!!

txbowhunter on April 28, 2022:

The 10" file may work perfectly fine on a metal shower arm, Only not on the plastic arm. I used an eight" tapered file on it and information technology worked PERFECTLY!!! I've been in the holding maintenance field for over 25yrs and NEVER had this problem before now. Yes I accept ALL the normal tools to remove broken pipes/nipples and such, Cypher worked and I had NO intention of tearing up the wall. I searched for a easier solution and found MANY ways to set information technology and they basically all said to use the file... Thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS EASY TIP!!!

andy on Apr 27, 2022:

thank you....I work in a building with over 100 units and encountered this problem for the 1st time. I read your proffer and information technology worked perfectly! Saved me lots of time and effort! Give thanks you!

novice on Apr 23, 2022:

Thank y'all then much for sharing expert's knowledge!!! I was getting ready to remove tiles, but I am so glad I ran into your instructions. Thank you!!

stevo on March 27, 2022:

This is genius. I spent over an hr trying to utilize a pipe nipple extractor and this worked in fifteen seconds. Awesome!

Fred on Jan 07, 2022:

Your guide saved me a lot of hassle! I was prepared to outset ripping drywall autonomously. I'one thousand glad I searched Google a piddling harder for a solution and stumbled across your write upwardly. THANK YOU!!!

Time Spiral (author) from Florida on July 27, 2022:

Glad to hear you lot had success with your method!

Brett on July 26, 2022:

Was going to endeavour this method, merely picked upwardly an Irwin EX-7 extractor at the local hardware store (under $fifteen). Used my dremel to cutting-off about 1.5" off the tip of the extractor. One needs to cut off the tip of the extractor otherwise the tip of the flake will hit the piping behind the nipple and non be able to grab the threads. Was able to remove the broken thread in about 30 seconds.

ed on May 25, 2022:

Worked great!!? Took five minutes. Give thanks y'all!!


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